
We are running Coach Development Courses throughout the year, please check menu on left hand side for links and details of how to register.


Advice to Grounds Managers during Wet Pre-Season

  • Disruption is inevitable.
  • Be patient, don’t panic.
  • Don’t take heavy machinery on the ground if you are treading water, if you get stuck you can cause more damage than good.
  • Don’t rush to get heavy roller on your square. Pre-Season rolling best done when the conditions are right and can also be done as the season starts.
  • Early use of the heavy roller can cause ribbing and root break.
  • If your feet are leaving impresssions on the square keep off.
  • The sun and wind are key factors in the drying process.
  • Once your square is dry enough you can get on with machinery and will soon catch up.
  • When you can get on to cut outfields, avoid the very wet areas so you don’t get stuck, you can catch them up as the outfields dry.

Berkshire Cricket Foundation | Charity Number: 1165948 | Registered address: The Cricket Pavilion, Enborne Street, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 6TW | Email: foundation@berkshirecricketfoundation.org