Walking Cricketers Continue Rivalry Indoors

February 26, 2025
Great to see Holyport and Purley on Thames continue their Walking Cricket rivalry today with an indoor match at Windsor Leisure Centre. Both clubs Walking Cricket offer continues to go from strength to strength.
With 3 well established clubs all regularly taking part, Berkshire Cricket is looking for more clubs to join Walking Cricket this summer. 
Aimed at those aged 55+, Walking Cricket is a fantastic way for people to improve their physical and mental wellbeing whilst enjoying the social environment the game is played in. Falkland, Holyport and Purely on Thames CC have all started Walking Cricket in the last couple of years and seen a rapid rise in popularity amongst their local community. Each club meets weekly to practice their skills and have regular social meetings to help meet new people. The clubs have also played fixtures against each other and more clubs would allow for Berkshire Cricket to run a league in the near future.
All these clubs have benefited greatly from having more volunteers at the club. Walking Cricket members have helped complete numerous jobs for their club at times when other club members may be working. Another benefit of Walking Cricket is that no experience is required for people looking to join. There are a number of different ways individuals can get involved with the game (player, umpire, scorer, social member).
Berkshire Cricket strongly encourages every club to explore Walking Cricket. The cost to set up is minimal but can be a great way for clubs to diversify their offer and gain new members.


To get involved and find out more please don’t hesitate in getting in touch with our very own Chris Baker 

Berkshire Cricket Foundation | Charity Number: 1165948 | Registered address: The Cricket Pavilion, Enborne Street, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 6TW | Email: [email protected]