Cricket a Hit with local group

February 28, 2025


During half term, our Disability Officer Chris Baker delivered a taster session to Promise Inclusion at The Acorn Centre. This is a weekly social group for people aged 18+ that come together to try different activities each week. The idea of the group is to learn new skills, socialise with other people and become more independent.

The session started with participants practicing their catching before moving on to some target throwing. Each participant tried their hardest and there were plenty of stumps hit throughout. To finish the session, participants had a chance to show off their batting skills. The aim of the game was to hit the ball into the space and past the fielders. Everybody that had a go demonstrated some amazing batting skills with some even managing to hit every ball past a fielder.

Those that attended provided feedback. The words used to describe the session included outstanding, brilliant and fabulous. Chris commented on his time with the group and said “having the opportunity to deliver cricket to the group was fantastic. It really helps us to demonstrate how fun and inclusive cricket is. There are some fantastic cricket opportunities within the community for people to get involved with and raising awareness of this is vitally important.”

Keep an eye on our website and socials for more inclusive cricket coming up in the next few weeks.


Berkshire Cricket Foundation | Charity Number: 1165948 | Registered address: The Cricket Pavilion, Enborne Street, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 6TW | Email: [email protected]